What is a Smart Garage Door?

Garage Door Repair Mimico-Queensway

Savvy Garage Door – Keeping up with the latest trends is smart in today’s modern world.

Having one of the smart garage doors is one of those trends.

If you’re unaware or unsure of what smart garage doors are, it’s the new types of garage doors connected over the wifi networks in your home that you can operate remotely, regardless of whether you’re home not.

It offers convenience for the homeowner if there are guests around that came before you or those kinds of instances.

Smart garage doors fall under the appliances and things that make a smart home, well, smart.

It also can be considered a security device.

If you live in cities like Etobicoke, Toronto, Ajax, or any city in the GTA, it would be best to have your very own smart garage door, just in case.

So with that being said, let’s hop on to discuss more about why you should get one right now or upgrade your garage door right away.

The benefits of Smart Garage Door

We won’t try to dazzle you with fancy things.

Still, the reality of why having a smart garage door be incorporated into your house is a great solution for everyone involved if you’re as forgetful as I, then you would want to know if you closed the garage door or not.

By having a smart garage door incorporated in your home, just a quick check of your phone would confirm if this happened or not.

You wouldn’t believe just how many times I’ve forgotten to do so, and the apps connected works!

If checking your phone would be a hassle for you, most apps could notify you if the garage door gets opened or stays closed in real-time.

You can also go ahead and check on the history of when the smart garage door has been used over a set amount of time.


Most smart garage doors offer a wide array of security features that you can incorporate into your smart home protection.

For example, every time you open the garage door, a CCTV can start recording video, take a picture of the event, or call the cops on your behalf for that matter.

Of course, this would depend entirely on the level of smart features your house would have.

Nevertheless, it’s an excellent security and theft deterrent.

Smart garage doors can also be connected to voice assistants like Alexa, Siri, and many more!

Most modern designs come with that feature that will set your home a notch above the rest, given how easy it would be for you to issue commands regarding your smart garage door while doing something else entirely.

Two types of smart garage door systems

If you’re still planning on what type of smart garage door to get, here are the two types that would let you decide on your next move.

The two types are called a full system or an add-on device.

The two have similar functions but ultimately differ from the parts involved.

As the names suggest, full systems are the whole nine yards.

Coming with the drive mechanisms, motors, the entire lot of it.

For add-on devices, in a nutshell, they are wi-fi enabled remote control for your garage door.

The descriptions for each are the most straightforward way of differentiating the two.

It’s up to you just how much you’re planning to invest in this home security feature.

Ways to connect your smart garage door

The easiest way to connect your smart garage door would be through wi-fi, but that’s not the only way to access your remote control on your app.

You have the option to use Bluetooth, but forego access to the internet and would be a problem for you in the future if you want to check on the other parts of your smart house.

Another way would be by using your data to connect to your remote app if ever the wi-fi is down.


If you think it’s time to replace your old garage door and to upgrade not only your home but also your security, then, by all means, go for a smart garage door.

The added security and comfort can go a long way in protecting your home and being part of the 21st century.

You wouldn’t want to be the one left in your neighborhood with having an old decrepit garage door, right?