Cleaning and Lubricating Garage Door Hinges, Rollers, and Tracks

Cleaning and Lubricating Garage Door Hinges, Rollers, and Tracks

Taking care of your garage door parts, like hinges, rollers, and tracks, really helps them stay in tip-top shape. Giving them a good clean now and then can make a big difference. People who do this simple task avoid hefty bills on repairs and pesky breakdowns. Putting in some hard work takes away future troubles. For instance, spraying silicone on rollers makes them glide smoothly, so they don’t wear out quickly. Skipping this can shorten your garage door’s life by nearly 15%. Keeping up with maintenance not only keeps everything in tune but also saves money!

Moreover, general cleaning is a must and is advisable every once or twice a month.

One of the essential parts of the household that needs cleaning done is the mechanical devices, and an excellent example of this would be the garage door.

Just like any other mechanical machinery, the garage door requires regular maintenance, and as a responsible homeowner, it is one’s duty to keep the garage door at top shape.

The garage door’s wear and tear cycle can reach almost 13 years when taken care of properly, and this also includes checking the hinges, rollers, and tracks of the garage door.

Regular attention is required on the garage door’s hinges, rollers, and tracks since these are the crucial parts that help in opening and closing the garage door.

However, most homeowners would choose to ignore this and leave the setup be until the garage door would show signs of damage, such as misaligned tracks, broken springs, and rusted rollers, which is irresponsible.

Some homeowners would instead call professional cleaning services to get the job done, but would often cost them a lot of money.

Before calling the professional garage door repair services available around Mississauga, Newmarket, Markham, and Toronto, there are always guides on the internet on how to easily lubricate and clean garage door hinges, tracks, and rollers.

Below are some cleaning and lubricating maintenance tips for your garage door hinges, tracks, and rollers.

Prepare the needed tools for cleaning the garage door’s setup

Before starting the cleanup, it’s a must to prepare the proper tools needed for cleaning the garage door and its mechanical parts.

Taking out all the unnecessary items inside the garage can also help one concentration when it comes to cleaning.

Examine the garage door’s hinges, tracks, and rollers for any build-up dirt and rust on the gears.

Best to avoid using water to clean and wipe off the collected dirt on these parts.

Instead, it’s best to use a dry cloth or an old toothbrush and spray it with some lubricant or silicone oil along the garage door’s bearings, especially if these bearings and rollers are made out of steel.

However, some rollers are made out of nylon, so lubricating those nylon rollers won’t be necessary.

Inspect the nuts and bolts of the garage door’s setup for loose ends

Examining the garage door’s loose nuts and bolts are also important;

these small tools have a significant purpose on the entire setup of the garage door.

Inspect the nuts and bolts that hold the garage door’s hinges, tracks, and rollers in a study place.

Moreover, tighten the loose bolts and nuts found on the garage door set up, and replace those that have build-up rust.

However, handling the garage door’s bolts may seem tricky; it’s best to hire a professional garage door repair to get the job done.

Check the alignment of the garage door tracks

The garage door track is a massive part of the garage door set up, that is found on the top and beside the garage door.

The backbone of the entire garage door setup is the rollers and tracks since these are the parts of the garage door that does the opening and closing function.

Inspect both the horizontal and vertical frame of the garage door tracks, since the more homeowners use their garage door, the more frequent these door tracks tend to bend or become misaligned.

Adjustments are often necessary, but when they are, try to loosen the bolts of the garage door tracks to position the track back in its proper place.

However, dealing with the garage door’s tracks and rollers could cause significant damage when fixing the parts with uncertainty.

Seeking professional help or garage door repair services can be the quickest way to solve the problem of dealing with misaligned garage door tracks or broken garage door rollers.

Since one wrong attempt on these garage door parts could actually cause the entire garage door to break apart and could also lead to a severe accident.